"It's a treat being a runner, out in the world by yourself with not a soul to make you bad-tempered or tell you what to do." - Allan Sillitoe

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Today's long run - excellent

Today's long run went really well - 1 hour 47 minutes which was a little longer (4 mins) than last week's run of the same distance (although Nike+ had it 300m shorter). I am very pleased with that considering it was my 6th day of running in a row.

Rest day tomorrow so I will weigh in again and find out if there has been any change.

I have added a links list to this site which I have called "Things I Like" - there is nothing in it yet ... but will be soon. My favourite running related websites and podcasts will be listed here and probably a few of my favourite bands as well.

As I get more used to putting myself out there, I expect this website will get a bit more personal and cover other aspects of my life and what I am up to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, waiting with interest to see how you went with the weigh in on Monday, 7 December I hope you're not disappointed. I also hope that you did weigh in on Monday and not after Tuesdays "Bean Casserole"...

Congratulations for setting yourself such an interesting and challenging personal goal. "We can do anything we want, as long as we stick to it long enough"