Monday - 8.4km recovery run in the rain. I didn't do my usual run on the grass today as it was too wet. As a result, I ran this recovery run a bit quicker in 46 minutes. My legs felt a bit beaten up this morning, stiff below the calves. Nothing serious though and probably the result of standing around for quite few hours after my run.
Tuesday - Medium long run 21.5km in 1 hour 36 minutes. Felt very comfortable on this run but I think I need to increase my pace slightly on these longer runs, at least for a significant proportion of the run. I have been looking at the McMillan calculator and if I really want to improve my marathon time, I think I need to get my long run pace closer to 4.22/km whereas this run was 4.27/km. Not a huge difference but I really want to start pacing my workouts at what is optimal to prepare for the pace I want to run at Rottnest.
Wednesday - Another 8.4km recovery run. 50mins. I am just about managing to hold off the cold/virus that has struck everyone else in the House of Snot. Not sure if I am more resiliant (unlikely) or if it is because I am at work for the day and away from the sickies.
My program has me down to do a specific endurance interval workout tomorrow. 4 x 6mins with 3 mins jog recovery between + 2 mile warm up and 2 mile warm down. Not sure if I will be up for this and in any case I find it too hard to do these workouts with my watch in the dark. If I am feeling ok in the morning I may do an audio threshold interval workout using my ipod. I have one with Lance Armstrong and Chris Carmichael that is (from memory) a ladder of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 minute intervals with 2 mins recovery. It is a pretty hard workout but really beneficial.
There is only one bit of it that really p!sses me off - when Carmichael asks Armstrong how he keeps going during a workout when the going gets tough. Lance's response is that he always thinks how much better it is doing this rather than sitting behind a desk for a day. That's great for him but not so great for those of us who have to guts out the workout and still have to go and sit behind a desk for the day.
(Also not great having to get up at 5.45am after staying up until around midnight watching the Tour de France but only myself to blame for that).
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